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Izabella Orzelski Atelier


October, 2020

Dear Friends,


First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families!



As tradition, our family will be having a big turkey meal this year, while taking a minute to reflect on how fortunate we all are to be together this year. My kids are almost at that age where they might go off and start their own traditions pretty soon, so I like to take every opportunity I have to spend a holiday with them!



Make sure to take advantage of the Indian Summer weather we have going on in Edmonton right now. Go for some long walks! Take a look at all the different colors and tones outside. I’m probably outside everyday now, and you’ll especially find me out there whenever Edmonton decides to start looking this good! 





Kasia, my lovely daughter, has decided to visit the Canadian Rocky Mountains  before the snow fall and certainly had lots of fun!


I have exciting news to share with you all… We have a new addition to our family! Arthur is a 12 week old black cat, with a weakness for playing with his own tail. He already gained our family favor for catching his first mouse. Bikini is still in the process of adjusting to Arthur’s presence, usually hissing at the little one whenever she sees him. We truly hope that the two will finally become pals, Arthur thinks he’s her friend at least!


The school year is well in its second month and I must confess.. all of us - parents, kids and educators – are trying our best to adjust to this challenging time. 


At least I am glad that I can be in classroom with my students again!


As for the delivery of the adult courses, the University of Alberta still requires online delivery. Well, at least this is a great motivation for me to keep creating more instructional videos as a part of my teaching vocabulary/tools, while ZOOM becomes the vehicle of student-instructor interaction. 


So far, Painting Fundamentals works well. If you are interested in joining the Painting II class in Winter Term, please refer to the link below.

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I also offer a variety of online courses available in numerous formats:


  1. Live ZOOM classes

2. Asynchronous courses

3. Online University of Alberta Extension Certificate course​






4. In-person Metro Continuing Education art classes



5. In-person classes and workshops in my studio

(contact Bogdan at )


For those of  you who like to learn in the comfort of your own home/studio, I have created over 90 instructional step-by-step videos to guide you in the in creation your own masterpieces.

They are divided into two groups:











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If you are interested in continuing to take more  classes and workshops with me, please make sure to visit my website for the updates.

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The time of our beautiful garden is almost gone. I guess you could say, ”The winter is coming.”, hey? The truth is we, Canadians, have a greater appreciation of summer since it lasts for such    a shorth period of time.


At least I have captured  some of my favourite plants in their full beauty before they freeze and parish under the cold air spell. 


Au revoir mes belles fleurs!


Au revoir mon beau jardin!


If you want to receive updates about my upcoming workshops and courses, please  subscribe to my newsletter.






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